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QtExtensionLibrary Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
QxtApplicationAn application with support for hotkeys aka "global shortcuts"
QxtBlowFishBlowfish Encryption Class
QxtCheckComboBoxA combo box with checkable items
QxtErrorInformation about Errors ocuring inside Qxt
QxtEventThread< T >Run a single QObject in a different thread
QxtHyperMacrosSome helper macros for your daily work
QxtItemDelegateAn extended item delegate
QxtLabelA simplified label which is able to show elided and rotated text
QxtNullAn object representing the "null" value for QxtNullable
QxtNullable< T >Distinct null value compatible with any data type
QxtPairList< T, K >Searchable List of Pairs
QxtPimplHide private details of a class
QxtProxyStyleA proxy style
QxtPushButtonA QPushButton which can be rotated
QxtRPCPeerTransmits Qt signals over a network connection
QxtSignalWaiterWait until a signal ocured
QxtSingleInstanceMake sure something is run only once on a system
QxtSpanSliderA slider with two handles
QxtSqlPackageFull serialiseable QSqlQuery storage
QxtSqlPackageModelRead-only data model for QxtSqlPackage result.
QxtStringSpinBoxA spin box with string items
QxtTabWidgetAn extended QTabWidget
QxtTreeWidgetAn extended tree widget
QxtTreeWidgetItemAn extended tree widget item
QxtTripple< T, K, L >Template class that stores three values
QxtTrippleList< T, K, L >Searchable List of Tripples
QxtTuple< TYPELIST >Arbitrary-length templated list

(c) 2007A.Picciani and A.Higerd LGPL
libqxt 0.2